On October 29 – November 4, 2017, the Dean of the Faculty of agriculture UMSU Mr. IR. Alridiwirsah, m. m., Deputy Dean I IR. Asritanarni Munar, m. p. and Secretary of International Affairs Office UMSU Emni Purwoningsih, M.Kes following the internship students visit activities Faculty of agriculture UMSU to PT Chikyujin Sakura who was in Japan. This visit is a part of the activities conducted by the Dean of the Faculty of agriculture and the Secretary of KUI UMSU in apprenticeship program Chikyujin the foreign Internship St
Student internship program is a partnership program between the University of Muhammadiyah of North Sumatra with PT Chikyujin Indonesia Institute in Japan.
The main activity of this visit is a visit to the place where the students do research and discussions to deepen understanding in the interweaving of research. Expected in the future, the initiation of this cooperation can be enhanced more intensively from each institution
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